
Of a group of 500 people, 60 are fit enough to climb Mount Shasta in California. The group has 300 women and 200 men. 12% of the men are fit to climb the mountain. What is the probability that a person picked at random from the group is a male or is fit to climb Mount Shasta?

Accepted Solution

Since 12%=0.12 by moving the decimal over 2 spots to the left, we multiply 200 by 0.12 to get 24. The amount of women fit to climb the mountain (since there are only women and men in this example) is 60-24=36. That means that there are 200+36=236 people that are either male, fit to climb the mountain, or both. 236/500=0.472=47.2%. If it means that you can't be a male and fit to climb, it's 200-24+36=212. 212/500=0.424=42.4%. This is due to that we subtract the 24 males who are both and add the 36 females that are fit